Wednesday, February 3, 2010

The Handstand before the Handspring!

As we travel all over the world it has always surprised us when athletes complain about not being able to do a backhandspring without having fully mastered the handstand.

When you really think about it, a backhandspring occurs when you jump violently backwards into a handstand and then snap down. If an athlete is not able to support their body weight on their own in a handstand position, it would make sense that performing that skill even with backwards moving momentum would be rather difficult, if not impossible.

The first step for any new tumbler wanting to succeed with cartwheels, round offs or handsprings is without a doubt the handstand! It can be broken down into 3 easy steps:

1. Start in a lunge with your arms by your ears!
2. Push off your forward leg, leaning forward to the ground until your hands are supporting your body on the ground, both legs are in the air - together...with your body in a vertical hollow body position. It is important that your head is neutral (looking towards the back wall) and that you are NOT arched!
3. To come down from the handstand - return back to your lunge position with your arms by your ears!

Remember- don't fall over!!!! It takes just as much energy to hurl your body forwards into the ground as it does to squeeze and return back to your starting position.

1. Handstand up a wall (walk up - good for younger athletes)
2. Handstand against a wall (kick up to handstand and squeeze!)
3. Handstand up an incline
4. Handstand snapdown on block
5. Handstand flatbed (to keep hollow)

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