Sunday, June 13, 2010

Brand new season

Tryouts are just about over... many teams have had their first practices of the 2010-2011 season, and a new set of goals, hopes and dreams have been established.
If you think back to where you were last year at this time, and how far you have come as an athlete, coach or even as a parent in a gym - it is a amazing to consider the journey's we all embark on over the course of one cheerleading season.

This might be the year where you finally get flexible, or maybe its the year that your dream tumbling pass becomes a reality. It could be the first time you choreograph a routine, or coach a team to the podium. It might even be the year that you decide to push harder, work better and do whatever it takes to have the best year of your cheerleading career!! Whatever your goal is and however you plan to reach it... what is most important right now is that this is a time for new beginnings - for everyone!

When I think of new cheerleading seasons the theme for me has always been about "Back to basics." So often during the mix of a regular season we loose sight of our priorities and everything shifts to the 2 minutes and 30 seconds of our competitive routines. This is a great time to re-instill values that are important to us all - but that oftentimes get lost in the shuffle. Maybe this is the year that you will follow through... afterall, a well-balanced program is more successful and enjoyable than one with limited pursuits and efforts.

Here are a few areas that you can focus on whether you are a coach, or athlete. Whatever you're working on we hope that 2010-2011 is your best season yet!

Far too often teams do "whatever it takes" to keep a stunt in the air, put a tumbling element in a routine or "just make it work" - whatever the "it" may be. It's time to go back to basics and remember that proper technique never fails. How do your skills look? Can they hold up under scrutiny?

With the competition season months away, now is the perfect time to focus on athletic conditioning. Tremendous cheerleaders are strong, fit, flexible and agile. Incorporate different excerices and drills into your team practices that will help your team over the course of the season.

A successful team is a unified team. Whether you have team building exercises, host theme weeks at your gym, have a team sleepover or a unity weekend - unifying your athletes is THE BEST thing you can do to ensure a successful season.

Every good team needs a good leader. What are you doing to inspire and encourage leadership in your program? Take time to develop and train strong leaders.

Beyond competing and training new skills, we have a responsibility to the athletes we work with to teach them lessons on and off the competition floor. Try organizing a fundraiser or charity event that teams can work on together. It can be a very gratifying experience and can also be used as a team builder as well!

Whatever your plans are this season, make the most over the summer months and set good habits that will last throughout the year! If you have any ideas that have worked for your gym reply here or feel free to post on our Facebook or Twitter!

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